Suturer-specifikationer:4 – 1 – 90cm – 40mm – 1/2
- Absorberbar
- Monofilament, non-coated
- Polydioxanone
Vetsuture PDX is an sterile, absorbable, long term, noncoated
monofilament made of Polydioxanone. It is available
dye in violet for better visibility during surgeries. Vetsuture
PDX is absorbed by hydrolysis; absorption begins with loss of
tensile strength followed by loss of mass. 80% of the original
tensile strength is maintained at 14 days. At the end of the 4th
week 70% of the original strenght remains and 40% after 6
weeks. Absorption is minimal until 90 days after the surgery.
Absorption is complete within six months. Vetsuture PDX has
a high resistance to traction. It is smooth, flexible, has a high
tensile strength and easy to use. Vetsuture PDX has very good
security properties of the node. The tissue reaction is minimal.
Vetsuture PDX is indicated for the approximation of tissues
in general surgery, for the muscles, fascia and walls, for
subcutaneous sutures for hemostasis ligature of hernias and for
sutures fragile tissues and hollow organs.