Suturer-specifikationer: 2 – 3/0 – 90cm – 24mm – 3/8
Vetsuture PGC is an sterile, absorbable, medium term, noncoated
monofilament made of Poliglecaprone 25. It is available
dye in violet for better visibility during surgeries. Vetsuture
PGC is absorbed by hydrolysis; its absorption starts with a
loss of tensile strength followed by loss in mass. 50 to 60%
of the original tensile force is kept 7 days after the operation
and 20 to 30% 14 days post implantation.The tensile force is
gone after 21 days. The absolute strength remaining 14 days
post implantation meets or exceeds that historically observed
with catgut sutures. Absorption of synthetic absorbable
suture Vetsuture® PGC is complete between 90 and 120 days.
Vetsuture PGC has a very high tensile strength. It is smooth,
highly flexible, has a high tensile strength and easy to use.
Vetsuture PGC has excellent security properties of the knot.
The tissue reaction is minimal. Vetsuture PGC is indicated
for the approximation of tissues in general surgeries, sutures
for the muscles, fascia and walls, for subcutaneous sutures
for hemostasis of ligatures and sutures for fragile tissues and
hollow organs.